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Found 14635 results for any of the keywords reclaimed flooring. Time 0.008 seconds.
Strip Flooring | Encore ReclamationReclaimed wood strip flooring is normally available in sizes from 2 to 4 Inches wide and mixed lengths from 2 foot to 10 foot. The fact that wood strip flooring has these narrower 2 to 4 Inch boards makes it very suitabl
Parquet Flooring | Encore ReclamationReclaimed parquet flooring reminds us of the school gym and church which for most of us are places we associate with our childhoods. It is hard to get a more traditional look than the herringbone pattern used to form mos
Reclaimed Flooring | Encore ReclamationSorry, this product is unavailable. Please choose a different combination.
Encore Reclamation | Suppliers of Reclaimed Flooring LondonLocated in the heart of London’s East End. We specialise in the supply of reclaimed flooring, cladding and lighting throughout the UK and more recently Europe.
Basket | Reclaimed Flooring | Encore ReclamationShop for reclaimed flooring, cladding and lighting and view your basket here.
My Account | Reclaimed Flooring | Encore ReclamationSorry, this product is unavailable. Please choose a different combination.
Contact | Reclaimed Flooring London | Encore ReclamationPlease get in touch if you want to enquire about an order or, to see if we can source something for you that you have not seen on our website.
Floor Boards | Encore ReclamationReclaimed pine floorboards are the most popular item of all the reclaimed wood flooring that we have for sale here at Encore Reclamation. People just seem to love the rich orange, browns and yellows of the wood along wit
Reclaimed Timber | Encore ReclamationA range of reclaimed wooden boards that we have selected for wall cladding due to their interesting looks and character.
Reclaimed Metal | Encore ReclamationA range of reclaimed metal sheets such as corrugated iron that we have selected for wall cladding due to their interesting looks and character.
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